Pensions Are A Trojan Horse.The Public Sector: City Of Troy.

It is important for us all to understand that the present attack on our pensions, are not just about pensions!

Pensions are the Trojan Horse and Public Services the City of Troy. 

Make no mistake though, a robbery is in progress. Under cover of red herrings, lies and misrepresentations, public sector workers are being mugged and our pensions are being stolen.

Why is this?

Why would any government want to destroy an NHS pension scheme that is cash rich, a scheme that contributes over £2 Billion into the British economy every year and a scheme that receives more money into its coffers than it pays out?

Why would you destroy an NHS pension scheme that is sustainable, fair and already deals with longevity and contribution increases?

The answer is, of course, that destroying public sector workers’ pensions is a means to an end. The end to which those means will eventually lead to is the break up, and selling off, of the Public Sector.

The end of Public Services is the long-term aim, and with it, of course, the end of public Ambulance Services as we know them.

No Public Sector – no public Ambulance Service – no Public Sector Union – no organisation to protect us at work.

This is not just some conspiracy theorist gone mad.  On the contrary, it is the reality of Tory ‘free market’ philosophy, supported by their Coalition partners and the European Union.

Destroying our pensions and our terms & conditions makes it easier for private companies to move in and gobble us up without the costly, and for them, annoying matter of protections.

A robbery is indeed in progress and a Trojan Horse is outside our gates.

The Day of Action on the 30th November 2011 has brought the government back to the negotiating table. That is good news. UNISON wants a negotiated settlement but as we hope for the best, we have to plan for the worst.

This may well be a long drawn out dispute and because of that we have to be flexible in how we deliver further industrial action, particularly within ambulance services.

The union is sending out an Additional Ballot over the next few days which will cover the issue of  ‘action short of strike’.

This is a common-sense, responsible strategy so that we are prepared for any eventuality.

The Additional Ballot will not replace the current mandate for strike action, but will sit alongside it, thereby giving our union more weapons in its armoury, more flexibility, while at the same time legally protecting members and branches.

This Additional Ballot will give members more say, more choice and more control over what happens in their particular area, as well as (mentioned above) protecting the union from legal challenges.

It will also have the means to make sure every member can play their part in the dispute in the best way possible.

Horses for courses.

The 30th November 2011 saw ambulance workers standing on picket lines while at the same time struggling to provide emergency cover. Emergency Cover, even within our agreement, can never replace full, safe, ambulance cover.

Our members did a great job in difficult circumstances. Of course, there will be lessons to learn and pitfalls to avoid, both for the union as well as management, but, it is important to state, that our members did nothing wrong, and we will speak out if people try to demonize the union.

We had ambulance staff of all grades and staff groups, showing dignity and solidarity in whatever they did.That is why we say we are all front-line and that this dispute is about fairness for all.

The real losers in all this ( apart from ourselves of course) are the people of London. Our dispute is not against them, but, as with the LAS, they have been dragged into it by the Coalitions actions over pensions.

London has a great ambulance service it can be proud of. An ambulance service that has improved year on year because of the dedication and motivation of staff. Good partnership working has been the foundation for a lot of positive changes over the last fifteen years.

The fear,  of course, is how do you motivate someone after they have been mugged in broad daylight?


 Information of all issues can be found elsewhere on our website.


If you are reading this, work for the London Ambulance Service or are eligible to join, and are not yet a member of UNISON Join Today!

  I Am Frontline You Are Frontline We Are All Frontline 

We are stronger together.

Eric Roberts

Branch Secretary