At the recent TUC Conference Dave Prentis, General Secretary announced that UNISON would ballot members for industrial action over pensions.
Negotiations have been ongoing for 8 months but so far have produced little of any value to UNISON members.
We are asking LAS members to vote YES in the forthcoming ballot for industrial action to protect public sector pensions.
Current proposals mean that most people will pay more and work longer to get a pension that will be worth less. That cannot be right or fair.
UNISON has tried to negotiate in good faith for secure and affordable pensions – but ministers won’t listen.
Public service pay has been frozen while inflation soars. There have been redundancies, reductions in posts, cuts to pay and conditions and closures of the vital services our communities rely on.
This unprecedented attack on pensions is the final straw. We have to stand up and be counted. We have to expose the myths about our pensions.
UNISON is balloting for strike action initially to start on 30 November subject to a final decision by the TUC. We are working to organise local and national protests in support of public sector pensions.
We need a big YES vote and a high turnout to send a clear and united message to ministers that “enough is enough†and to help persuade them to withdraw their current unfair and unjustified attacks on pensions.
The ballot opens on 11 October and closes on 3 November.
We are confident that we will secure an overwhelming YES vote.
This is a national dispute in which London Ambulance UNISON members will play a part. This dispute is not of our making. The financial crisis is not of our making.
Let’s get a massive turn-out and a vote for YES and stop this pension robbery and future pension poverty.
Please vote YES to protect your pension.
There will be a ballot hotline open from 17-31 October on 0845 355 0845.
 Eric Roberts – Branch Secretary. October 2011
  Information of all issues can be found elsewhere on our website.
If  you are reading this, work for the London Ambulance Service or are eligible to join, and are not yet a member of UNISON Join Today!
 I Am Frontline You Are Frontline We Are All FrontlineÂ
We are stronger together.
Eric Roberts
Branch Secretary